Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facing the Facts...

Wanted: Pretty Girl to Take Facebook Pics With
The thing is that my recent ex-gf is acting up, I need a pic to put on my Faceebook profile to provoke her. So I just need a pretty girl (that my ex doesn't know) to take pics with me in my room, make it look like we're partying and having a fantastic time, and that you're really into me. Or something along those lines. Maybe another pic taken in the park close to my apartment.

Pretty easy stuff. Let me know if you're interested. Compensation is negotiable.

This concerns me for a number of reasons...and at the same time I am strangely drawn to this young man's plight. Who hasn't seen their past flame's recent album updates and cringed when you saw him or her cozying up to some cutie?! Only just about everyone. The difference here would be that the cutie they're with is likely someone they are genuinely into, or drunk enough to flirt with, and not someone they hired from Craigslist. In addition, partying it up in his room and having a fantastic time? Sounds like a poor choice of settings unless this is some sort of soft-core shoot. As a result, despite identifying with the issue, I have to admit that posting an ad for an impromptu photo sesh with strangers to be the featured newsfeed item takes this to an all new, horribly pathetic low.

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